Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An Open Apology

In doin this blog, my intentions is to let ya'll out there know whats goin on in my life while I'm in Europe (and in general). So! know, everybody does something wrong in they're life time and everybody makes mistakes, and i've made many but none like this one, at least not to my best friend and his lady (which are both best friends of mine). I pulled some real sideways sh*t on my best friend (dont ask cause I wont tell, so) with some words and took it way! to far you know. I said something inappropriate first then let it go on way further then it need to go. Its obvious that Im in the wrong but Im not a liar no matter how bad the situation looks, but I damn sure F'd up, and there's no real excuse for it. So to him and her (ya'll know who you are) Im sorry, and people who "really" know me, know that I aint the type to run around throwing "sorry" around like its nothing. So, this apology is from the heart and I hope we can get past this because I've never had people I can trust like them and those are the most difficult thing in the world to come by, and I may have violated that trust.