Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Latest News

What you see here is no more ahah, to say it jokingly. As you you all know (or most of you all) I was playing pretty well making movies and shit ahah (MAKIN MOVES EP1, EP2, EP3- ALSO ON YOUTUBE) 15.0 a game as a rookie onna 4-4 team before the coach that bought me in was fired. So when things changed, THINGS CHANGED! aha, so right now Im just just working out and making music while I wait on another offer, I have a couple of biters but none that have made offers yet. To put it all out there, Im not the least bit upset about being waived because 1) Its a business now 2) Seems that EXPERIENCE was the key in the move (me being a rookie, new guy a 5yr vet) 3) THINGS HAVE CHANGED ahah, drastically, so everyone out there stay cool like I am, maybe this is for the best, but we'll see the out come of it. Like always, thanks for showing love you FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, YOUTUBE and MY PAGE HERE. I really appreciate it. I'll bee back with something new soon, latteerrrrr.